Patient Information

Gastroscopy (Upper Endoscopy)

Upper G.I. endoscopy is a direct examination of your food pipe, stomach, and a portion of the small bowel. A gastroscope is a small, flexible instrument, about the diameter of a pencil, with a light and a lens at the end which allows your doctor to see your upper digestive tract. Before the procedure, you will be given a mild sedative. Oral topical (spray) medication will also be given to numb your mouth and throat. A small plastic mouthpiece with a hole in the center will be placed in your mouth between your teeth to protect the gastroscope. The tube-like instrument is then passed through the hole in the mouthpiece, into your mouth and food pipe (esophagus) and into the stomach and small bowel (duodenum) so that inspection can be carried out. During the procedure you will be lying on your left side. You will be asked to swallow as the tube is being inserted. Since the tube is inserted into your food pipe (esophagus) and not into your wind pipe (trachea, a separate pipe), it will not interfere with your breathing in any way. A sensation of bloating may occur when air is pumped into the stomach for better visualization. Various samples, including biopsies and brushings, can be taken from abnormal areas such as ulcers or tumors. This sampling is not painful. Certain treatments may also be given through the scope as in the case of gastrointestinal bleeding. If you experience any discomfort during the procedure, additional sedation or pain medication may be given. The procedure usually takes 5-15 minutes. During the procedure your blood pressure, pulse and breathing will be monitored.

Special Instructions:

  1. DO NOT eat or drink after midnight before the procedure. Your stomach should be empty during the test.
  2. Arrive at the hospital one-half to one hour prior to your scheduled procedure time. Bring your insurance cards and information.
  3. A responsible person must come with you who can stay during the procedure and drive you home.

What to Expect:

Before your procedure you will be interviewed by a Registered Nurse. She will ask some questions about your symptoms, health history and take your blood pressure, pulse and temperature. If you do not know them by name, please bring a list of your allergies and current medications. The nurse will also insert a small needle into a vein in your arm if your are receiving sedation. After your procedure you will be sleepy. Your blood pressure and pulse will be monitored frequently. You will stay in the recovery area until you are alert and oriented and your vital signs are stable, usually about one hour after your sedation was given. You will not be able to eat or drink anything for one hour after your procedure. You may be drowsy for a few hours after you go home. Your doctor will talk to you or the person who came with you before you go home. If biopsies were taken, it will take 3-4 days to get the report. You will receive written discharge instructions and appropriate teaching materials before you leave. You will not be able to drive for the rest of the day and should not plan on working the day of your test.

Flexible Sigmoidoscopy

Lower gastroenterology endoscopy is a direct examination of your large bowel. A colonoscope is a soft, flexible instrument, about the diameter of a finger, with a light and lens at the end which allows your doctor to see into your colon. Flexible sigmoidoscopy is an examination of only a short portion of the lower colon. the tube-like instrument is inserted into the rectum and advanced through the colon so that visual inspection can be carried out. During, the procedure you will be laying on your left side. Your doctor can then take samples from the colon lining, including biopsies and brushings, if needed. This sampling is not painful. Certain treatments may also be given thorough the scope as in the removal of polyps. You may have a sensation of bloating, gas or cramping as air is pumped into the colon for better visualization.

Special Instructions:

  1. Drink one bottle of Magnesium Citrate the night before the procedure.
  2. Take two Fleet enemas about 2-3 hours before your procedure.
  3. Do NOT eat or drink after midnight before the procedure. Your usual medications can usually be taken with a sip of water, but please discuss this beforehand with your doctor. Your stomach should be empty during the test.
  4. Arrive at the hospital one-half to one hour prior to your scheduled procedure time. Bring your insurance cards and information.
  5. This test may be done with no sedation, in which case you may leave immediately after the test is over and drive yourself home. If you plan on receiving sedation for this test, a responsible person must come with you who can stay during the procedure and drive you home.

What to Expect:

Before your procedure you will be interviewed by a Registered Nurse. She will ask some questions about your symptoms, health history and take your blood pressure, pulse and temperature. If you do not know them by name, please bring a list of your allergies and current medications. The nurse will also insert a small needle into a vein in your arm if your are receiving sedation. If you do not receive sedation for this test you may go home as soon as your procedure is completed. If you received sedation, after your procedure you will be sleepy. You can expect to feel bloated or crampy and pass gas from your rectum. This is just air that was pumped in through the scope during your procedure and you should not be embarrassed to pass it. Your blood pressure and pulse will be monitored frequently. You will stay in the recovery area until you are alert and oriented and your vital signs are stable, usually about one hour after your sedation was given. You may be drowsy for a few hours after you go home. Your doctor will talk to you or the person who came with you before you go home. If biopsies were taken, it will take 3-4 days to get the report. You will receive written discharge instructions and appropriate teaching materials before you leave. If you received sedation, you will not be able to drive for the rest of the day and should not plan on working the day of your test.

Colonoscopy (Lower Endoscopy)

colon imageLower G. I. Endoscopy is a direct examination of your entire colon. A colonoscopy is a soft, flexible instrument, about the diameter of a finger, with a light and lens at the end which allows your doctor to see into your colon. Prior to the procedure, you will be given a mild sedative. The tube-like instrument is then inserted into the rectum and advanced through the colon so that visual inspection can be carried out. During the procedure you will be laying on your left side. While the procedure is being performed you may be asked to turn on your back or right side. This is to help the scope pass through the turns in your colon easier. Your doctor can take samples from the colon lining including biopsies and brushings, if needed. This sampling is not painful. Certain treatments may also be given through the scope as in the case of gastrointestinal bleeding or the removal of polyps. You may have a sensation of bloating or gas as air is pumped into the colon for better visualization. You may also feel some cramping. If you experience any discomfort during the procedure, additional sedation or pain medication may be given. During the procedure your blood pressure, pulse and breathing will be monitored.

Special Instructions:

  • You will need to go on a full liquid diet for 2-3 days before your procedure, as your doctor specifies. If you are hypoglycemic or diabetic, please discuss this with your doctor. You may have as much water, pop, juice, bouillon, tea, coffee or Jell-O as desired. NO RED OR GREEN JELL-O OR DAIRY PRODUCTS!!!
  • On the day of your test, at 4 PM, begin drinking the prep solution previously prescribed by your doctor. Drink one tall glass every 15 minutes or so. It may take up to four hours to drink the entire gallon. If you are unable to completely drink the prep solution or feel that it is not cleaning your colon out well, please notify your physician.
  • Do NOT eat or drink after midnight before the procedure. Your usual medications can usually be taken with a sip of water, but please discuss this beforehand with your doctor. Your stomach should be empty during the test.
  • Arrive at the hospital one-half to one hour prior to your scheduled procedure time. Bring your insurance cards and information.
  • A responsible person must come with you who can stay during the procedure and drive you home.

What to Expect:

Before your procedure you will be interviewed by a Registered Nurse. She will ask some questions about your symptoms, health history and take your blood pressure, pulse and temperature. If you do not know them by name, please bring a list of your allergies and current medications. The nurse will also insert a small needle into a vein in your arm so that sedation can be given. After your procedure you will be sleepy. Your blood pressure and pulse will be monitored frequently. You can expect to feel bloated or crampy and pass gas from your rectum. This is just air that was pumped in through the scope during your procedure and you should not be embarrassed to pass it. You will stay in the recovery area until you are alert and oriented and your vital signs are stable, usually about one hour after your sedation was given. You may be drowsy for a few hours after you go home. Your doctor will talk to you or the person who came with you before you go home. If biopsies were taken, it will take 3-4 days to get the report. You will receive written discharge instructions and appropriate teaching materials before you leave. You will not be able to drive for the rest of the day and should not plan on working the day of your test. You will not be able to eat or drink anything for one hour after your procedure. You may be drowsy for a few hours after you go home. Your doctor will talk to you or the person who came with you before you go home.


ERCP is a specialized procedure used to study the bile ducts of the gallbladder, pancreas and liver. A duodenoscope is a soft, flexible instrument, about the diameter of a finger, with a light and lens on the end. The scope is passed through the mouth, food pipe (esophagus) and stomach into the duodenum (first part of the small bowel). The bile ducts from the liver and pancreas empty into the duodenum and a very small plastic tube (catheter) is passed through the scope into the ducts. A dye (contrast material) is injected gently through the catheter and into the ducts and x-rays are taken. If you are allergic to iodine or dye, please inform your doctor of this. This procedure is performed in the x-ray department. During the procedure you will be laying on your stomach with your head turned to the right. You will be given sedation for this test. Certain treatments may also be given through the scope such as the removal of gallstones from the ducts or insertion of a stent into the bile duct. If you experience any discomfort during the procedure, additional sedation or pain medication may be given. During the procedure your blood pressure, pulse and breathing will be monitored.

Special Instructions:

  • DO NOT eat or drink after midnight before the procedure. Your stomach should be empty during the test.
  • Arrive at the hospital one hour prior to your scheduled procedure time. Bring your insurance cards and information.
  • A responsible person must come with you who can stay during the procedure and drive you home.

What to Expect:

Before your procedure you will be interviewed by a Registered Nurse. She will ask some questions about your symptoms, health history and take your blood pressure, pulse and temperature. If you do not know them by name, please bring a list of your allergies and current medications. An I.V. will be started in your arm and a blood sample may be taken. After your procedure you will be sleepy. Your blood pressure and pulse will be monitored frequently. You will stay in the recovery area until you are alert and oriented and your vital signs are stable. You will receive written discharge instructions and appropriate teaching materials before you leave. You will not be able to drive for the rest of the day and should not plan on working the day of your test.

HALO Procedure

A Liver Biopsy is a procedure done to take a microscopic sample of liver tissue for analysis under a microscope. Laying on your back with your right arm above your head, the skin area above the liver is numbed with a local anesthetic. You will be asked to take a few deep breaths and then hold your breath. While you hold your breath, a sample of liver tissue is taken using a long, fine needle. This only takes 1-2 seconds. You may feel a quick push or discomfort as the needle is inserted, but there is usually no pain. A small bandage or band aide is applied to the skin and you will be asked to lie on your right side for about 4 hours afterward.

Special Instructions:

  1. Arrive at the hospital one-half to one hour prior to your scheduled procedure time. Bring your insurance cards and information.
  2. A responsible person must come with you who can stay during the procedure and drive you home
  3. DO NOT take any aspirin or aspirin-containing drugs for 72 hours before the procedure.
  4. If you take a blood thinner or anticoagulant drug, your doctor will asking your to stop taking it 3 or 4 days before the procedure. Discuss this with your doctor in advance.

What to Expect:

Before your procedure you will be interviewed by a Registered Nurse. She will ask some questions about your symptoms, health history and take your blood pressure, pulse and temperature. If you do not know them by name, please bring a list of your allergies and current medications. An I.V. will be started in your arm and a blood sample may be taken. After the procedure you will be asked to lie on your right side. Your blood pressure and pulse will be monitored frequently and the bandage checked often. When you go home you should rest for the rest of the day and lift nothing weighing over 10 pounds. You can resume your normal activities the day after the procedure and return to work. Your doctor should receive the report of your biopsy in 3-4 days.



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